23.05.2014 09:44 Uhr in Handel & Dienstleistungen von MWM GmbH & Co. KG

Slate thin by Design MWM

Slate Lite and Eco Stone for design
Kurzfassung: If you would like to decorate your flat for your family, you surely want to create a natural and healthy atmosphere. Your children may be able to play everywhere in your flat without risks for their health. To create a natural atmosphere the floor covering is also important. And what is more part of nature itself than a floor covering made out of natural stone?
With natural slate, the rock from ancient times is a modern type of floor covering, that brings a new quality to your flat and of course to your life.
Slate thin by Design MWM Eco Stone
[MWM GmbH & Co. KG - 23.05.2014] You can choose between different kinds of panels made out of slate. These different panels are called Slate Lite decor natural stone, Decor Eco Stone natural stone or Genuine stone decor translucent. With These several types, all in best quality, you can create a fascinating living and residential atmosphere. Especially the panels out of translucent natural stone are a highlight for residental atmosphere. The panels are light- transmitting. With light sources you can create your individual light effects.
All panels are made out of genuine stone. That means, that mother nature built them within thousands of years. Every panel has its individual structure and is unique. With panels made out of genuine slate you improve your flat with the power of nature. Without risks for health.

Slate panels are highly variable. In fact they can be used for decorating floorboards, walls and even doors or ceilings.
But panels made out of natural slate are not just able to decorate your flat, but you can also use them outdoor. How about decorating parts of your facade with slate panels? Even translucent slate can be used for decorating facades or elements in your own garden.

Don´t worry, processing with these panels is quite simple. Panels made out of genuine slate have an insulation effect and furthermore these panels are fire-resisting. And all these efforts just with the force of mother nature.
Of course the panels are weatherproof. Rain, snow and hail are no problem for these panels used outdoor.
MWM Design brings quality to your living area. For your family just highest quality is enough!

Panels made out of genuine slate compose a fascinating backdrop for your family life. Friends will envy you with this natural and variable building material.

Genuine Slate cut in wafer-thin panels, with its unique surface may give your flat an impression of fascinating world´s history. By using Slate panels made by MWM Design www.design-mwm.de you are able to link the past with present tense. And of course with decorating your home or your exterior with panels made out of slate you will lay the foundation for a impressing future in an extraordinary but natural way.
Weitere Informationen
MWM GmbH & Co. KG
Die Firma MWM GmbH & Co KG, gegründet 1998 als Einzelunternehmen durch den Inhaber und jetzigen geschäftsführenden Gesellschafter, Herrn Michael Wilmes, ist Partner der metallverarbeitenden Industrie.

MWM versteht sich als Systemlieferant im Bereich der Herstellung von Waren und der Bearbeitung von Bauteilen aus Aluminium und anderen NE-Metallen. Unter Einbeziehung der Beschaffung erforderlicher Rohstoffe und die Verarbeitung bis hin zur Oberflächenveredlung und anschließender Montage bieten wir unseren Kunden in vielen Bereichen Full-Service Lösungen.

Die Entscheidung alle Geschäftsprozesse nach dem Regelwerk der DIN ISO 9002 - 2000 auszurichten und kontinuierliche Verbesserungen durchzuführen, sichert Arbeitsplätze und ein gleichbleibend hohes Qualitätsniveau.
MWM GmbH & Co. KG, Herr Michael Wilmes
Hüttenstr. 12, 59759 Arnsberg, Deutschland
Tel.: 0 29 32 - 475 98 - 01; http://www.design-mwm.de
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Pressekontakt Herr Michael Wilmes

MWM GmbH & Co. KG
Hüttenstr. 12
59759 Arnsberg

0 29 32 - 475 98 - 01
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