28.10.2014 16:49 Uhr in Gesellschaft & Familie von Auswärtiges Amt

Minister of State Böhmer attends the opening of the Jewish museum in Warsaw

Kurzfassung: Minister of State Böhmer attends the opening of the Jewish museum in WarsawMinister of State Maria Böhmer will represent the German Government at the official opening of the permanent exhibition of ...
[Auswärtiges Amt - 28.10.2014] Minister of State Böhmer attends the opening of the Jewish museum in Warsaw

Minister of State Maria Böhmer will represent the German Government at the official opening of the permanent exhibition of the Museum of the History of Polish Jews in Warsaw on Tuesday, 28 October. The exhibition will be opened by Polish President Bronislaw Komorowski during a ceremony attended by high ranking guests, including Israeli President Reuven Rivlin.
The striking museum building opened last year. Its new permanent exhibition will now present Jewish culture in Poland dating back over 1000 years, while the latest technology will provide visitors with an interactive and informative experience. The German Government provided five million euros in funding for the permanent exhibition.
Before leaving for Warsaw, Minister of State Böhmer issued the following statement:
After 20 years, the vision of having a Jewish historical museum in Warsaw has now come true. This is an extremely moving moment for me. This year, we commemorated the 75th anniversary of Germanys invasion of Poland that led to the almost total annihilation of Jewish life in Poland and Europe. This loss cannot be reversed. However, this permanent exhibition in the heart of Warsaw will make people aware of the extent, intensity and history of Jewish life in Poland and Europe. I hope that the museum will also have many visitors from Germany.

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