18.03.2015 11:40 Uhr in Hobby & Unterhaltung von -

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(Mynewsdesk) Parents of handicapped children will grasp at anything to help their children. This also includes dolphin therapy. German newspaper Bild am Sonntag (BamS) reports on “dubious dolphin therapy” and the suffering of dolphins, based on evidence provided by the Wal- und Delfinschutz-Forum (WDSF)
According to BamS, German national Branko Weitzmann describes the daily half hour, weekly splash around with dolphins as “dolphin therapy”. Situated in the Tunisian Friguia Park the ... ... weiter lesen Quelle
According to BamS, German national Branko Weitzmann describes the daily half hour, weekly splash around with dolphins as “dolphin therapy”. Situated in the Tunisian Friguia Park the ... ... weiter lesen Quelle
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Jürgen Ortmüller
Möllerstr. 19
58119 Hagen
Möllerstr. 19
58119 Hagen
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Autor der Pressemeldung "? The Dubious Dolphin Therapy Business" ist -, vertreten durch Jürgen Ortmüller.