President of Hannover 96 Opens European Ivy League Soccer Tournament at HHL
President of Hannover 96 Opens European Ivy League Soccer Tournament at HHLKurzfassung: Soccer tournament and Career Fair at HHL Leipzig Graduate School of Management / Applications may be submitted at until May 10, 2015

[HHL gGmbH - 01.04.2015] Between May 15 and 17, 2015 students from various first-class universities from all over Europe will meet to participate in the 19th edition of the European Ivy League soccer tournament hosted by HHL Leipzig Graduate School of Management. Martin Kind, President of the German Bundesliga soccer club Hannover 96 and CEO of hearing aid manufacturer KIND Hörgeräte GmbH, will hold discussions with experts and business students from all over Europe as well as alumni and corporate representatives on May 15, in connection with the motto of this year's event - "Business Meets Soccer". The players and cheerleaders among the students as well as any other interested parties may apply for the tournament at by May 10, 2015.
Discussion with Martin Kind on the topic "From the club to the company"
The German national soccer league Bundesliga had made a name for itself long before Germany won the World Cup last year. This reputation, however, is the result of a long development process, which has not ended yet. The German Bundesliga is generally admired for its solidity. The vast majority of the German professional soccer clubs are well positioned. But what does that mean? In addition to strengthened and very successful promotion of young talent, many clubs build on entrepreneurial expertise. They have come to understand that soccer has become a global business. If the clubs want to dominate the international market, they have to focus on their economics as much as on their athletic performance. The magic word is for-profit corporation. However, people often see this new trend as a renunciation of old traditions and fan culture. Is this really the case? Are Wolfsburg and RB Leipzig examples of what the future of the Bundesliga success story will look like or are there other ways for established traditional clubs searching for their spot in the market? Martin Kind, President of Hannover 96 and successful entrepreneur, will discuss this question and others with business experts when kicking off the 19th European Ivy League soccer tournament at HHL Leipzig Graduate School of Management on Friday, May 15, 2015,
Soccer tournament of European business schools with a long tradition
HHL Leipzig Graduate School of Management has hosted the European Ivy League soccer tournament since 1997 and the event has constantly grown since it was first established. The tournament represents a welcome opportunity to make new contacts for HHL alumni and business students from all over Europe alike. Maximilian Eichinger, who is currently completing HHL's Master of Science Program and is responsible for this year's event, says, "The European Ivy League offers its participants an opportunity to network with potential employers and students from other universities and make interesting contacts, which might prove valuable for their careers in the future, while still in university. Our sponsors, which include AB InBev, Oliver Wyman und Stern Stewart & Co. this year, tend to hire a large number of future employees during our events. The unique combination of the relaxed atmosphere of a soccer tournament and the Career Fair taking place at the same time facilitates an active exchange in an excellent environment."
Further information is available at For the latest EIL news please also visit the European Ivy League fan page on Facebook at
Further information:
HHL Leipzig Graduate School of Management
HHL is a university-level institution and ranks amongst the leading international business schools. The goal of the oldest business school in German-speaking Europe is to educate effective, responsible and entrepreneurially-minded leaders. In addition to HHL's international focus, the combination of theory and practice plays a key role. HHL stands out for its excellent teaching, its clear research focus, its effective knowledge transfer into practice as well as its outstanding student services.
Discussion with Martin Kind on the topic "From the club to the company"
The German national soccer league Bundesliga had made a name for itself long before Germany won the World Cup last year. This reputation, however, is the result of a long development process, which has not ended yet. The German Bundesliga is generally admired for its solidity. The vast majority of the German professional soccer clubs are well positioned. But what does that mean? In addition to strengthened and very successful promotion of young talent, many clubs build on entrepreneurial expertise. They have come to understand that soccer has become a global business. If the clubs want to dominate the international market, they have to focus on their economics as much as on their athletic performance. The magic word is for-profit corporation. However, people often see this new trend as a renunciation of old traditions and fan culture. Is this really the case? Are Wolfsburg and RB Leipzig examples of what the future of the Bundesliga success story will look like or are there other ways for established traditional clubs searching for their spot in the market? Martin Kind, President of Hannover 96 and successful entrepreneur, will discuss this question and others with business experts when kicking off the 19th European Ivy League soccer tournament at HHL Leipzig Graduate School of Management on Friday, May 15, 2015,
Soccer tournament of European business schools with a long tradition
HHL Leipzig Graduate School of Management has hosted the European Ivy League soccer tournament since 1997 and the event has constantly grown since it was first established. The tournament represents a welcome opportunity to make new contacts for HHL alumni and business students from all over Europe alike. Maximilian Eichinger, who is currently completing HHL's Master of Science Program and is responsible for this year's event, says, "The European Ivy League offers its participants an opportunity to network with potential employers and students from other universities and make interesting contacts, which might prove valuable for their careers in the future, while still in university. Our sponsors, which include AB InBev, Oliver Wyman und Stern Stewart & Co. this year, tend to hire a large number of future employees during our events. The unique combination of the relaxed atmosphere of a soccer tournament and the Career Fair taking place at the same time facilitates an active exchange in an excellent environment."
Further information is available at For the latest EIL news please also visit the European Ivy League fan page on Facebook at
Further information:
HHL Leipzig Graduate School of Management
HHL is a university-level institution and ranks amongst the leading international business schools. The goal of the oldest business school in German-speaking Europe is to educate effective, responsible and entrepreneurially-minded leaders. In addition to HHL's international focus, the combination of theory and practice plays a key role. HHL stands out for its excellent teaching, its clear research focus, its effective knowledge transfer into practice as well as its outstanding student services.
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Autor der Pressemeldung "President of Hannover 96 Opens European Ivy League Soccer Tournament at HHL" ist HHL gGmbH, vertreten durch Volker Stößel.