05.05.2015 10:40 Uhr in Wirtschaft & Finanzen von -

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(Mynewsdesk) GAF AG, the exclusive supplier of optical Indian Remote Sensing data in Europe, has signed an agreement with ESA concerning the provision of IRS data for the Copernicus Data Warehouse. The agreement will run until the end of 2020.
Munich, 4th of May 2015
The agreement covers the provision of archived and new Resourcesat-1, Resourcesat-2 and Cartosat-1 data for the Data Warehouse’s additional and core data sets. It also includes operation and maintenance of the special order, ... ... weiter lesen Quelle
Munich, 4th of May 2015
The agreement covers the provision of archived and new Resourcesat-1, Resourcesat-2 and Cartosat-1 data for the Data Warehouse’s additional and core data sets. It also includes operation and maintenance of the special order, ... ... weiter lesen Quelle
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Birgit Aigner
Erika-Mann-Str. 56
80636 München
Erika-Mann-Str. 56
80636 München
Die Pressemeldung "GAF and ESA sign an agreement regarding the delivery of IRS data for the Copernicus Data Warehouse 2014-2020" unterliegt dem Urheberrecht.
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Autor der Pressemeldung "GAF and ESA sign an agreement regarding the delivery of IRS data for the Copernicus Data Warehouse 2014-2020" ist -, vertreten durch Birgit Aigner.