11.09.2015 16:35 Uhr in Wirtschaft & Finanzen von Eni S.p.A.

Eni is confirmed on the Dow Jones Sustainability World Index and the Dow Jones Sustainability Europe Index

Kurzfassung: Eni is confirmed on the Dow Jones Sustainability World Index and the Dow Jones Sustainability Europe IndexThe Dow Jones Sustainability Index, launched in 1999, includes companies that are characterize ...
[Eni S.p.A. - 11.09.2015] Eni is confirmed on the Dow Jones Sustainability World Index and the Dow Jones Sustainability Europe Index

The Dow Jones Sustainability Index, launched in 1999, includes companies that are characterized by excellent results achieved in the sustainability of each sector.
Enis position was confirmed for the ninth consecutive year on the Dow Jones Sustainability World Index, one of the most renowned international sustainability indexes, improving its own score.
The Dow Jones Sustainability Index, launched in 1999, includes companies that are characterized by excellent results achieved in the sustainability of each sector.
The index includes a total of 317 stocks, selected by RobecoSAM in terms of economic, social and environmental criteria, from 2,500 international stocks with the largest capitalization. In the Oil
Gas sector, 13 companies out of 97 candidates were selected.
Eni has also been confirmed on the Dow Jones Sustainability Europe Index for the eighth consecutive year.
These results confirm Enis costant commitment to sustainable development and ensure a responsible management of its business.

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Eni S.p.A.
We are a major integrated energy company, committed to growth in the activities of finding, producing, transporting, transforming and marketing oil and gas. Eni men and women have a passion for challenges, continuous improvement, excellence and particularly value people, the environment and integrity.
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Eni S.p.A.

00144 Rom

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