15.11.2016 10:10 Uhr in Wirtschaft & Finanzen und in Wissenschaft & Forschung von HHL gGmbH

Strengthening HHL's Alumni Activities: New Executive Board of HHL Alumni Association

Strengthening HHL's Alumni Activities: New Executive Board of HHL Alumni Association
Kurzfassung: Dirk Schuran, Dr. Christian Post and Raphael Werner are the new Executive Board of HHL Alumni Association.
Strengthening HHL's Alumni Activities: New Executive Board of HHL Alumni Association Dirk Schuran, Dr. Christian Post and Raphael Werner are the new Executive Board of HHL Alumni Association.
[HHL gGmbH - 15.11.2016] During its general meeting on November 3, 2016, the HHL Alumni Association (HHLAA) elected Dirk Schuran, Dr. Christian Post and Raphael Werner (all alumni of the part-time MBA class P9) as the new Executive Board with a term of two years. The Executive Board will be supported in its tasks by the members of the Extended Board (Claudia Haase, Jérôme Dudacy and Mohammad Shanawaz Babu Sheik). The Advisory Board of the Association, which was newly established during the general meeting, consists of the former Executive Board members Lars Wulfken (former President of HHLAA), Anja Ritchie and Christoph Stancke; other members of the Advisory Board are Dr. Gerd Robertz and Steffen Zoller.

The new executive trio, Schuran, Dr. Post and Werner, has close connections to HHL. Dirk Schuran (President) is the Director of Business Development/Sales at a Berlin-based start-up. Dr. Christian Post works as a legal counsel in the field of corporate law and M&A activities for the Otto Group in Hamburg. Raphael Werner is a corporate consultant at Deloitte Consulting in Munich. As the Executive Board of the HHL Alumni Association, they want to ensure its sustainable growth and strengthen the local activities of the alumni chapters. It is important to them that the members of the wide HHLAA network make use of its opportunities for their private and professional exchange actively and efficiently.

Dean Prof. Dr. Andreas Pinkwart thanked the outgoing Executive Board during this year's Homecoming in Leipzig for their commitment and their work for the Alumni at HHL.

HHL's Alumni Association, which is open to all HHL graduates, was founded in 1997. It supports the network of Alumni members in their contacts with each other and strengthens their connection with HHL as their Alma Mater. The Association supports scientific projects and events at HHL as well as important student projects and initiatives. Additionally, HHL students benefit from the HHL Alumni Association's network from the first day of their studies by gaining free access to it until they graduate. www.hhl.de/alumni

HHL Leipzig Graduate School of Management is a university-level institution and ranks amongst the leading international business schools. The goal of the oldest business school in German-speaking Europe is to educate effective, responsible and entrepreneurially-minded leaders. HHL stands out for its excellent teaching, its clear research focus, its effective knowledge transfer into practice as well as its outstanding student services. The courses of study include full and part-time Master in Management as well as MBA programs, a Doctoral program and Executive Education. HHL is accredited by AACSB International. http://www.hhl.de
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HHL Leipzig Graduate School of Management
Die HHL ist eine universitäre Einrichtung und zählt zu den führenden internationalen Business Schools. Ziel der ältesten betriebswirtschaftlichen Hochschule im deutschsprachigen Raum ist die Ausbildung leistungsfähiger, verantwortungsbewusster und unternehmerisch denkender Führungspersönlichkeiten. Neben der internationalen Ausrichtung spielt die Verknüpfung von Theorie und Praxis eine herausragende Rolle. Die HHL zeichnet sich aus durch exzellente Lehre, klare Forschungsorientierung und praxisnahen Transfer sowie hervorragenden Service für ihre Studierenden.
HHL gGmbH, Herr Volker Stößel
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Tel.: 0341-9851-614; http://www.hhl.de
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