06.12.2016 09:50 Uhr in Wissenschaft & Forschung und in Wirtschaft & Finanzen von HHL gGmbH

New: MBA alliance of the five best business schools in Germany

New: MBA alliance of the five best business schools in Germany
Kurzfassung: Top schools start marketing initiative for MBA
New: MBA alliance of the five best business schools in Germany New: MBA alliance of the five best business schools in Germany
[HHL gGmbH - 06.12.2016] Over the past several years Germany has become a global destination for MBA students. An increasing number of young bachelor's graduates would like to study management in Germany. To ensure that applicants, especially international ones, correctly discern between the approximately 500 MBA programs in the German-speaking world, ESMT Berlin, Frankfurt School of Finance and Management, HHL Leipzig Graduate School of Management, Mannheim Business School, and WHU - Otto Beisheim School of Management have joined forces as the MBA Alliance Germany. This initiative communicates the advantages of doing an MBA degree at one of the top five business schools in Germany to interested candidates located in the country and abroad.

These five business schools have outstanding reputations, which are proven through global rankings and international accreditations, as well as through career opportunities for their graduates and the internationality of the programs. MBA Alliance Germany partner cohorts include students from up to 40 different nationalities and are taught by professors from around the globe. All of the MBA programs are held in English. The schools are located in diverse cities, offering a high quality of life for students, combined with affordable costs of living. The programs are characterized by comparatively low tuition fees and an excellent value for money.

The kick-off to the MBA Alliance Germany is a double-page ad in the European Business School Ranking supplement of the Financial Times (December 5, 2016) available online at http://mbagermany.de.

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HHL Leipzig Graduate School of Management
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HHL gGmbH, Herr Volker Stößel
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