19.07.2019 13:30 Uhr in Energie & Umwelt von fos4X

Great success on the Chinese wind market: fos4X wins CSIC Haizhuang Windpower as its newest customer
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(Mynewsdesk) Beijing, July 2019 – the Chinese turbine manufacturer CSIC Haizhuang Windpower is the first series customer of the Chinese subsidiary fos4X to equip all 47 turbines of its wind farm in Xinji-ang with fos4X blade load monitoring systems (Turbine Load Control - TLC).

A milestone project for fos4X in ChinaThis order includes turbine load control systems for all 47 2.X MW turbines of a wind farm to control and reduce loads. In addition, two evaluation systems will be provided to ... ... weiter lesen Quelle
Pressekontakt Alexander Tindl

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81371 München

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