03.09.2019 08:50 Uhr in Energie & Umwelt von fos4X

fos4X System Upgrades: More Functionality, Transparency and Support
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(Mynewsdesk) Operators of Senvion wind turbines receive more transparency, additional functionality and extended support on fos4X systems through upgrades of fos4X products. IIoT integration and dashboarding enable full data access for condition and performance of the fos4X system on Senvion wind turbines.

Upgrades of existing systemsThe modular sensor platform of all fos4X standard products allows easy expansion of existing fos4X systems. Thus, the ice detection system can be extended with ... ... weiter lesen Quelle
Pressekontakt Alexander Tindl

Thalkirchner Straße 210
81371 München

+49 89 999542-08
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