21.09.2020 10:00 Uhr in Energie & Umwelt von fos4X

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(Mynewsdesk) The former CTO of fos4X Dr. Markus Schmid and the CEO of PolyTech A/S Mads Kirkegaard succeed Dr. Lars Hoffmann in the management of fos4X GmbH. Dr. Lars Hoffmann will leave the organization on September 30th after 10 successful years as founder and managing partner as planned.
Dr. Lars Hoffmann founded fos4X 2010 as a spin-off from the Technical University of Munich and developed it to one of the leading players in the field of fiber optic sensor technology and data analysis in ... ... weiter lesen Quelle
Dr. Lars Hoffmann founded fos4X 2010 as a spin-off from the Technical University of Munich and developed it to one of the leading players in the field of fiber optic sensor technology and data analysis in ... ... weiter lesen Quelle
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Alexander Tindl
Thalkirchner Straße 210
81371 München
Thalkirchner Straße 210
81371 München
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Autor der Pressemeldung "Management change at Munich-based wind innovator fos4X" ist fos4X, vertreten durch Alexander Tindl.