02.05.2022 15:28 Uhr in Energie & Umwelt und in Handel & Dienstleistungen von Montanwerke Brixlegg AG
montanwerke-brixlegg.com - Montanwerke Brixlegg AG
www.montanwerke-brixlegg.com - Nachhaltiges Kupfer für eine saubere KlimazukunftKurzfassung: www.montanwerke-brixlegg.com - Sustainable copper for a green future.
[Montanwerke Brixlegg AG - 02.05.2022]
www.montanwerke-brixlegg.com - Sustainable Copper - Nachhaltiges Kupfer aus Brixlegg für die Wirtschaft von morgen. Due to its properties, copper is an extremely important material for a wide variety of industrial applications. However, the production of copper is often neither environmentally friendly nor sustainable. Therefore, Montanwerke Brixlegg has specialized in the recycling and upcycling of copper. The resulting sustainable copper consists of 100% recycled raw copper, which is recycled using 100% renewable energy. As a result, our sustainable copper has the lowest carbon footprint.
www.montanwerke-brixlegg.com - Sustainable Copper - Nachhaltiges Kupfer aus Brixlegg für die Wirtschaft von morgen. Due to its properties, copper is an extremely important material for a wide variety of industrial applications. However, the production of copper is often neither environmentally friendly nor sustainable. Therefore, Montanwerke Brixlegg has specialized in the recycling and upcycling of copper. The resulting sustainable copper consists of 100% recycled raw copper, which is recycled using 100% renewable energy. As a result, our sustainable copper has the lowest carbon footprint.
Weitere Informationen
Montanwerke Brixlegg AG, Herr Andreas Enderle
Werkstraße 1, 6230 Brixlegg, Österreich
Tel.: +43 5337 6151; https://www.montanwerke-brixlegg.com/en/sustainable-copper/
Werkstraße 1, 6230 Brixlegg, Österreich
Tel.: +43 5337 6151; https://www.montanwerke-brixlegg.com/en/sustainable-copper/
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Herr Andreas Enderle
Montanwerke Brixlegg AG
Werkstraße 1
6230 Brixlegg
https://www.prmaximus.de/137551Montanwerke Brixlegg AG
Werkstraße 1
6230 Brixlegg
+43 5337 6151
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Autor der Pressemeldung "montanwerke-brixlegg.com - Montanwerke Brixlegg AG" ist Montanwerke Brixlegg AG, vertreten durch Andreas Enderle.