Financial Planning Software MyMicroBalance 2.5.2 is now available for free

More than 250,000 users regularly manage their private finances and value the simple and sophisticated handling of the income/expenses software.
Kurzfassung: The new version (2.5.2) of the free financial planning software MyMicroBalance tidies up the user interface even more. More than 250,000 users regularly manage their private finances and value the simple and sophisticated handling of the income/expenses software. New features such as - among others - "Inline-Edit" enable you to edit existing entries like in a regular spreadsheet programme. The new filter selects the corresponding entries as soon as you touch upon a key word and instantly displays the respective totals. Saving, budget planning and personal finance management is now a piece of cake.
Financial Planning Software MyMicroBalance 2.5.2 is now available for free Financial Planning Software MyMicroBalance 2.5.2 is now available for free
[Trusted Bytes Softwarentwicklung e.U. - 10.11.2011] Does the budget book have new features? Yes! - Is it more complicated and more confusing? No! - The new version (2.5.2) of the free financial planning software MyMicroBalance tidies up the user interface even more.

More than 250,000 users already manage their private finances with the tool on a regular basis and value the simple and sophisticated income/expenses software. New features such as - among others - "Inline-Edit" enable you to edit existing entries like in a regular spreadsheet programme. A mere click on the respective cell is enough to edit the value, name or category. Furthermore, the new filter selects the corresponding entries as soon as touch upon a key word and displays the respective totals instantly. You want to, for instance, view all the entries in the "food" category? Simply click in the field below the column headline, which will filter out all the requested "food" entries with one click.

With all the excellent existing features such as 3D diagrams, the CSV import/export and the elaborate printing function saving, budget planning and private finances management are now a piece of cake.
Weitere Informationen
Trusted Bytes Softwarentwicklung e.U.
Trusted Bytes Softwareentwicklung e.U., a company headquartered near Salzburg (Austria), has been developing and improving the MyMicroBalance software for five years. The main core competencies alongside the budget book software include web development.
Trusted Bytes Softwarentwicklung e.U., Herr Michael Meike
Lerchenstraße 5, 5302 Henndorf, Österreich
Tel.: 00436769725224;
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Pressekontakt Herr Michael Meike

Trusted Bytes Softwarentwicklung e.U.
Lerchenstraße 5
5302 Henndorf

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