24.11.2011 09:19 Uhr in Gesundheit & Wellness von Schlafapnoe e. V.

German Forest Air Flies Around the World

German Forest Air Flies Around the World
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Without food they can survive for several days, without breathing just a few minutes. But, in fact, humans are very inefficient when it comes to the utilisation of air; about 75% of inhaled oxygen is exhaled again unused. This is one reason why mouth-to-mouth resuscitation is possible. It has been scientifically proven, further, that when aging or ill, humans increasingly lose their ability to utilise oxygen and to turn it into energy. ... weiter lesen Quelle
Pressekontakt Herr Udo Bertram

Schlafapnoe e. V.
Am Burgholz 6
42349 Wuppertal

0202 40 89 17
0202 40 87 646
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