Rede Staatsminister Michael Links vor dem Sicherheitsrat der Vereinten Nationen (englisch)

  • Pressemitteilung der Firma Auswärtiges Amt, 01.02.2012
Pressemitteilung vom: 01.02.2012 von der Firma Auswärtiges Amt aus Berlin

Kurzfassung: -- es gilt das gesprochene Wort -- Mr. President, Ladies and Gentlemen, I would like to thank His Excellency Sheikh Hamad bin Jassim bin Jabr Al-Thani and his Excellency Nabil Al-Arabi for their briefings. I commend the efforts of the League of ...

[Auswärtiges Amt - 01.02.2012] Rede Staatsminister Michael Links vor dem Sicherheitsrat der Vereinten Nationen (englisch)

-- es gilt das gesprochene Wort --

Mr. President, Ladies and Gentlemen, I would like to thank His Excellency Sheikh Hamad bin Jassim bin Jabr Al-Thani and his Excellency Nabil Al-Arabi for their briefings. I commend the efforts of the League of Arab States towards solving the crisis in Syria. It is important for the Council to listen to you today.

The Arab Spring has demonstrated that the people in the region want to shape their future peacefully, through negotiations and discussions, not at gunpoint and not in an atmosphere of fear and violence.

More than ten months have passed since events in Deraa and Damascus sparked peaceful protests in Syria against the Assad regime. The regime reacted with a brutal crackdown on its own people that left thousands dead.

This violence must stop immediately!

The Syrian people have been calling for freedom of expression, association, peaceful assembly and the ability to freely choose their leaders. President Assad has been responding by sending his tanks.

The Arab League has heeded the calls of the people in the region. It developed three months ago a Work Plan to solve the crisis, to which the Syrian Government subscribed. However, the Assad regime did not fully comply with the agreement. There was no cessation of violence, not all of those arrested were released and there was no withdrawal of the military from the cities and residential areas.

On the contrary, there has been a notable increase in violence from the regime over the past few days. This has forced the Observer Mission to suspend its activities. The country stands at the brink of civil war, with repercussions for peace and stability in the region. The Council has been silent too long, it has to live up to his responsibility.

we must not forget that the majority of the demonstrations in Syria has been overwhelmingly peaceful, whereas the reaction of the authorities has been excessive. Those facts were recorded by the international commission of inquiry established by the Human Rights Council. This is why we have also advocated for a commission of inquiry of the Security Council.

As the report of the commission of inquiry concluded, the systematic human rights violations perpetrated by the Syrian regime were conducted pursuant to a deliberate policy of the State. Members of the Syrian military and security forces may have committed crimes against humanity.

The Arab League, has set out on the 22nd of January a political framework including the formation of a transitional government for the way forward.

The Arab League has turned to this Council asking for support. We share their demands and we fully support their plan and all their previous efforts.

We must seize this opportunity. Now is the time for the Security Council to act.

The draft resolution endorsing the demands made by the Arab League is on the table. The text is a product of fruitful cooperation between members of this Council and Arab countries.

We are not looking for a military solution, we want a political solution with regional ownership. Countries all over the world have expressed their support, especially those from the region. Let us act, and let us do so soon!

Auswärtiges Amt
Werderscher Markt 1, 10117 Berlin
Postanschrift: 11013 Berlin
Telefon: 03018-17-0
Bürgerservice: 03018-17-2000
Telefax: 03018-17-3402

Über Auswärtiges Amt:
Das Auswärtige Amt ist zuständig für die Pflege der Beziehungen zu anderen Staaten sowie zu den zwischen- und überstaatlichen Organisationen.

Der Auswärtige Dienst versteht sich neben seiner Funktion als Gestalter der Außenpolitik als Dienstleister für die Bürgerinnen und Bürger, die deutsche Wirtschaft, das deutsche Kulturleben und für Parlamentarier und Regierungsvertreter aller Ebenen. Sein Dienstleistungsangebot ist für den Auswärtigen Dienst neben der klassischen Diplomatie zu seiner zweiten, tragenden Säule geworden: Es macht heute gut die Hälfte seiner Aktivitäten aus. So steht das Auswärtige Amt als modernes und aufgeschlossenes Dienstleistungsunternehmen weltweit seiner "Kundschaft", mit seinem Know-how und seinen Kontakten mit Rat und Tat zur Seite.

Auswärtiges Amt
Werderscher Markt 1, 10117 Berlin
Postanschrift: 11013 Berlin
Telefon: 03018-17-0
Bürgerservice: 03018-17-2000
Telefax: 03018-17-3402

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