26.02.2013 15:27 Uhr in Wirtschaft & Finanzen und in Wissenschaft & Forschung von HHL gGmbH

Start-Up Chile Meetup Session at HHL on March 21, 2013

Start-Up Chile Meetup Session at HHL on March 21, 2013
Kurzfassung: Organized by the HHL Hispanic Business Club initiative, Start-Up Chile will hold a meetup session at HHL Leipzig Graduate School of Management on March 21st at 6 pm in order to explain in detail the program and answer to your questions. The HHL community as well as entrepreneurs are welcomed.
[HHL gGmbH - 26.02.2013] Start-Up Chile is a program created by the Chilean Government, that seeks to attract early stage, high-potential entrepreneurs to bootstrap their startups in Chile, using it as a platform to go global. The end goal of the accelerator program is to convert Chile into the definitive innovation and entrepreneurial hub of Latin America; this is a mission shared by the Government of Chile and is a primary focus of the Ministry of Economy. Start-Up Chile provides entrepreneurs with US$40,000 of equity-free seed capital, and a temporary 1-year visa to develop their projects for six months, along with access to the most potent social and capital networks in the country. After the six months period, entrepreneurs are free to go to their home countries to continue building its startups.

As an HHL's Hispanic Business Club initiative, Start-Up Chile will hold a meetup session on March 21st at 6 p.m. in order to explain in detail the program and answer to your questions. The HHL community as well as entrepreneurs are welcomed.

The meetup session will take place in the Schmalenbach Lecture Hall at HHL Leipzig Graduate School of Management located in Jahnallee 59, 04109 Leipzig.

This event represents a great opportunity for all potential entrepreneurs who have an idea, but not necessarily the funds to start their own company, or for young companies that would like to expand their market to other countries.
For further information about the program, please go to the following link: http://startupchile.org/ or just send us an email to startupchile@hhl.de.

If you are interested in attending the Start-Up Chile Meetup Session, please send us an email with your name to startupchile@hhl.de.

About HHL Leipzig Graduate School of Management

With over 130 start-ups by HHL alumni over the past fourteen years, Germany's top address for young managers has also developed into an incubator for company formation. Well-known examples are Gollmann Kommissionierungssysteme, SunCoal Industries - the winner of the Founder's Prize awarded by WirtschaftsWoche magazine or Leipzig-based companies Spreadshirt and billigflieger.de. The founders' entrepreneurial commitment has created more than 2,500 jobs already, over 1,100 of which are located in the Leipzig region alone. HHL was voted among the top 20 start-up business schools in Germany in the second round of the "EXIST Gründungskultur - Die Gründerhochschule" start-up competition by the Federal Ministry of Economics and Technology in mid-February 2012. Only recently, the training of company founders at HHL ranked number 1 worldwide in the Financial Times' Master in Management Ranking 2012. http://www.hhl.de/gruenderschmiede
Weitere Informationen
HHL Leipzig Graduate School of Management
Die HHL ist eine universitäre Einrichtung und zählt zu den führenden internationalen Business Schools. Ziel der ältesten betriebswirtschaftlichen Hochschule im deutschsprachigen Raum ist die Ausbildung leistungsfähiger, verantwortungsbewusster und unternehmerisch denkender Führungspersönlichkeiten. Neben der internationalen Ausrichtung spielt die Verknüpfung von Theorie und Praxis eine herausragende Rolle. Die HHL zeichnet sich aus durch exzellente Lehre, klare Forschungsorientierung und praxisnahen Transfer sowie hervorragenden Service für ihre Studierenden.
HHL gGmbH, Herr Volker Stößel
Jahnallee 59, 04109 Leipzig, Deutschland
Tel.: 0341-9851-614; http://www.hhl.de
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