Creative Use of Space Award: Three riders from the US nominated. MINI Facebook fans can select most creative riders from the Burton US Open.

  • Pressemitteilung der Firma BMW Group, 24.03.2011
Pressemitteilung vom: 24.03.2011 von der Firma BMW Group aus München

Kurzfassung: Creative Use of Space Award: Three riders from the US nominated. MINI Facebook fans can select most creative riders from the Burton US Open. 24.03.2011 Press Release Woodcliff Lake, NJ. The final, global vote for the Creative Use of Space Award ...

[BMW Group - 24.03.2011] Creative Use of Space Award: Three riders from the US nominated. MINI Facebook fans can select most creative riders from the Burton US Open.

Press Release
Woodcliff Lake, NJ. The final, global vote for the Creative Use of Space Award is approaching. In the meantime, four outstanding rider performances from the Burton Global Open Series (BGOS) have been chosen by the MINI Facebook Community: Sven Thorgren (SWE) and Ty Walker (USA), who showed impressive performances at the Burton European Open in Switzerland, and Scotty James (AUS) along with Cilka Sadar (SLO), who won the most votes for their creative riding at the Burton Canadian Open. From now until April 4th, MINI fans can vote for the most creative male and female riders of the Burton US Open on Three riders from the US are nominated.

Final Voting starts on April 5th.

The final vote on the six finalists starts on April 5th and ends on April 10th. The Creative Use of Space Award, initiated by MINI and Burton, consists of prize money of US $50,000 that will be shared equally between the male and female rider who have shown creativity and progression throughout the BGOS series. Among the snowboarders themselves, the Creative Use of Space Award is designed to lend a further boost of creativity and the courage to develop a truly individual style. Entirely in keeping with the MINI philosophy of using space in the most ingenious way, the athletes are encouraged to fully exploit their own element. For the Burton US Open, which took place from March 9th-12th at Stratton Mountain, Vermont, the BGOS Judges nominated Eric Willet (USA), Yale Cousino (USA) and Zack Black (USA) as the most creative male riders and Enni Rukajärvi (FIN) as well as Kjersti Buaas (NOR) as the most creative female riders.

MINI fans can watch all the creative runs as web clips on Facebook. Anyone wishing to take part in the voting can do so via the "Like” option. Among all Facebook voters, MINI will raffle off a trip for four people to one of the upcoming BGOS 2011/2012 events in New Zealand, Switzerland, Canada or the USA – flight, accommodations and lift passes included.

MINI offers not only the Creative Use of Space Award. In addition to the prize money of US $50,000 provided by Burton, the BGOS Champions Kelly Clark (USA) and Peetu Piiroinen (FIN) received a brand new MINI Countryman at the Burton US Open.

For more information on the partnership with Burton and the Creative Use of Space Award please go to:

BMW Group
Katrin Herold

Tel.: +49-89-382-57185
Fax: +49-89-382-20095

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BMW Group
Katrin Herold

Tel.: +49-89-382-57185
Fax: +49-89-382-20095

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