The MBA – Driving your career forwards Developing Leadership Competence… Together!

Kurzfassung: The MBA - Driving your career forwards "Developing Leadership Competence… Together!On 22 February 2014, the spotlight at the IMB Institute of Management Berlins MBA Information Day, held at the BSE ...
[Hochschule für Wirtschaft und Recht Berlin - 14.02.2014] The MBA - Driving your career forwards "Developing Leadership Competence… Together!
On 22 February 2014, the spotlight at the IMB Institute of Management Berlins MBA Information Day, held at the BSEL's Schöneberg Campus, is on individual advice and information about studying for a management degree at university. The Berlin MBA is a state recognised programme of postgraduate education leading to the internationally recognised degree of Master of Business Administration (MBA). The Berlin MBA has been accredited by the internationally renowned AMBA - Association of MBAs. Over 20 years ago, the BSEL was an MBA pioneer in Germany and its present AMBA accreditation yet again confirms its place among the leading MBA providers.
The interactive seminar structure and content aligned with real-world business skills create a platform for MBA students to input their own knowledge gained during their years of professional experience. All of our academic staff combine management experience and proven expertise in their own fields. The team atmosphere and direct exchange of views with professors, lecturers and outside experts encourages participants to critically review their own management styles and entrepreneurial thinking.
"The majority of our students decide on taking an MBA to acquire the new management skills needed to re-direct their careers, pointed out IMB Director Prof. Dr. Solveig Reißig-Thust. "So we have integrated our module on Developing Your Leadership Personality into our Berlin MBA to enable them to gain greater insights into the various facets of career development."
In addition, the Career Service provides customised coaching for applications and career development. "With its combination of integrated career building blocks and individual advice, the Berlin MBA provides the optimal support for participants to take their next career step, said Prof. Dr. Reißig-Thust. To facilitate the professional networking of our programme participants and alumni, the IMB Institute of Management Berlin at the BSEL maintains a wide range of cooperations with national and international companies, universities and organisations. The IMB Community is also integrated into an international management network.
Visitors to the MBA Information Day on Saturday, 22 February 2014, can expect information stands and an information market on Berlin MBA specialisations, individual advice on all aspects of applying for a place on the MBA and how to fund an MBA degree, an English-language test, and programme profiles.
The Berlin MBA at the IMB Institute of Management Berlin
The General Management MBA provides the skills needed for executive management tasks with an international perspective. The future Master of Business Administration graduates acquire and enhance the specialist, linguistic and social competences required for their business activities in management.
The Berlin MBA Core Modules offer the essential knowledge needed in general management. The Pathway Modules then provide the requisite specialisations in subject and sector topics. These areas of specialisation in the Berlin MBA allow students to customise their studies to match their individual career goals:
Berlin MBA on the day programme with full-time pathways:
MBA in European Management
MBA in European Asian Management
MBA in Transatlantic Management
Berlin MBA combining work and study in part-time pathways:
MBA in International Management
MBA in Entrepreneurship
MBA in Change Management
MBA in Health Care Management
MBA in Pharmaceutical Management
More information (in German):
Berlin School of Business and Law (BSEL)
IMB Institute of Management Berlin
Building C
Badensche Str. 52
10825 Berlin
Tel.: +49 (0)30 30877-1262
Fax: +49 (0)30 30877-1259
Email: mbainfo[at]

Press Contact:
Sylke Schumann
Hochschule für Wirtschaft und Recht Berlin
Berlin School of Business and Law (BSEL)
Tel.: +49 (0)30 30877-1220
EMail: presse[at]
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Hochschule für Wirtschaft und Recht Berlin
Die Hochschule für Wirtschaft und Recht Berlin zählt mit ihren über 9.000 Studierenden zu den großen Fachhochschulen am Wissenschaftsstandort Berlin. Sie ging am 1. April 2009 aus dem Zusammenschluss der Fachhochschule für Wirtschaft (FHW) Berlin und der Fachhochschule für Verwaltung und Rechtspflege (FHVR) Berlin hervor. In der HWR Berlin bündeln sich die über 30jährige Erfahrung und die Kompetenz der Vorgängereinrichtungen, die in ihren Disziplinen anerkannte Hochschulen gewesen sind. Im Zuge der Zusammenlegung wurde das spezialisierte Fächerportfolio der beiden Hochschulen erweitert. Haben sich die jeweiligen Studiengebote der FHW Berlin und der FHVR Berlin in der Hauptstadt, bundesweit und zu großen Teilen international in den letzten Jahren hervorgetan, so ist es ein Ziel der HWR Berlin, diese Leistungsstärke weiter auszubauen. Das Portfolio der Hochschule für Wirtschaft und Recht (HWR) Berlin umfasst eine große fachliche Bandbreite: Unter einem Dach werden privates und öffentliches Wirtschafts-, Verwaltungs-, Rechts- und Sicherheitsmanagement sowie ingenieurwissenschaftliche Studiengänge gelehrt. Nahezu alle der über 50 Studiengänge sind auf Bachelor und Master umgestellt, qualitätsgeprüft und tragen das Siegel einer deutschen Akkreditierungsagentur. Rund 200 Professorinnen und Professoren und knapp 280 Mitarbeitende in Wissenschaft und Verwaltung sowie mehr als 800 Lehrbeauftragte aus der Praxis engagieren sich für das leistungsstarke Angebot der Hochschule.
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, 10825 Berlin, Deutschland
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