03.12.2012 12:54 Uhr in Reisen & Tourismus von Franceschi Parc Hotel
Franceschi Parc Hotel

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The hotel has a long history and facilities that are anchored on traditional architecture of Ampezzo and includes a big parking lot, children's video arcade, a tennis court, sauna, Turkish bath, solarium and whirlpool. There is Wi-Fi connection and satellite TV in all rooms and a beautician at your disposal. The centrality of the hotel's location makes it convenient for anybody wishing to visit any part of the town including the offices of Natural Park of Ampezzo Dolomites. To learn more about the hotel or book feel free to contact the hotel. Call (+39)0436867041, Fax (+39)04362909 or e-mail: info@franceschiparkhotel.com. Or visit www.franceschiparkhotel.com for more information
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Autor der Pressemeldung "The Franceshi Park Park Hotel" ist Franceschi Parc Hotel, vertreten durch Franceschi Ernesto.