Pressemitteilungen zum Thema "cortina"
cortina Pressemeldungen passend zum Suchbegriff cortina im Presseportal
Pressemitteilungen zum Suchbegriff-Schlagwort cortina
Dolomiten-Challenger in Cortina
(Mynewsdesk) Dolomiten-Challenger in Cortina Top-Besetzung beim ersten ATP-Turnier in Cortina d’Ampezzo Cortina d’Ampezzo (jm). Der italienische Spitzenferienort Cortina d’Ampezzo ist ab sofort auch als Turnierveranstalter im internationalen Tenniszirkus aktiv. Am Samstag, 26. Juli, startet mit der Qualifikation das 1. ATP-Challenger-Turnier der Herren, das mit insgesamt 75.000 Dollar dotiert und hochkarätig besetzt ist. An der Spitze ...
The Francheschi Park Hotel
As a Hotel in Cortina, there are few finer than The Franchesci Park Hotel. Situated on the steps of the hotel, are the Ampezzo Dolomites. With impressive, arresting scenery in this Alpine commumity, there are popular ski resorts awaiting the arrival of skiers and hikers. The hotel concentrates on well-being and this is apparent from arrival to check-in to the day of departure. This hotel offers free car parking, a video arcade for children, ...
The Franceshi Park Park Hotel
The Franceschi Park Hotel, a 4-star hotel proudly welcomes you to relax experience and enjoy the culture, the tradition, the sports and the accommodation of Cortina. The beautifully located Franceschi Park hotel is located in Belluno province of Italy at a central quiet and conducive place of Cortina d'Ampezzo town. The town is not only we-ll known in Italy, but also around the world for its splendid panorama of the Dolomites as the ...

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