[CSA Celebrity Speakers GmbH - 09.05.2014] The new book of bestselling author Jeremy Rifkin depicts how the emerging Internet of Things is speeding us to an era of nearly free goods and services, precipitating the meteoric rise of a global Collaborative Commons and the eclipse of capitalism.
"The Zero Marginal Cost Society” is a good approach on the current questions that world is now facing: how to deal with the end of blue-collar work? What happens when the marginal cost in communication, energy and manufacturing is almost zero?
Rifkin concludes that capitalism will remain with us, although in an increasingly streamlined role, primarily as an aggregator of network services and solutions, allowing it to flourish as a powerful niche player in the coming era. "We are, however,” says Rifkin, "entering a world beyond markets where we are learning how to live together in an increasingly interdependent global Collaborative Commons.”
Jeremy Rifkin is the Founder & President of the Foundation on Economic Trends USA and focuses on the impact of scientific and technological changes on the economy, workforce, society and the environment.
More information about
Jeremy Rifkinwww.celebrity-speakers.de
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