DEVONtechnologies Pressemappe
DEVONtechnologies Pressemappe
Spring updates: DEVONthink, DEVONnote, DEVONagent
Spring updates: DEVONthink, DEVONnote, DEVONagentBy: Eric Böhnisch-VolkmannDEVONtechnologies, LLC releases updates for all editions of its information and knowledge manager DEVONthink. Updates are also available for its notebook app DEVONnote and its smart Internet research assistant DEVONagent. The updates are free and recommended for all users.Markdown has become a popular way for adding simple formatting to text without relying on ...
DEVONthink 2.5 syncs via Dropbox, WebDAV, and more, and brings much better web sharing
DEVONthink 2.5 syncs via Dropbox, WebDAV, and more, and brings much better web sharingDEVONtechnologies, LLC adds powerful teamwork functions to is smart document and information manager DEVONthink. Databases can be kept in sync via the local network or cloud services like Dropbox or WebDAV. Other users can also directly access DEVONthink Pro Office databases using a completely rewritten web sharing. DEVONnote, DEVONthinks little brother, gets ...
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