EADS Space Transportation Pressemappe Seite 3
EADS Space Transportation Pressemappe
Two customers sign up for the VIP version of Eurocopters EC175 twin-engine, medium-class helicopter
Two customers sign up for the VIP version of Eurocopters EC175 twin-engine, medium-class helicopter Eurocopter has signed two customers for the VIP version of its EC175, with these bookings coming only six months after the twin-engine, medium-class helicopter was introduced to the upper-end market with a specially designed elegant and luxurious interior. The two firm orders were announced by Eurocopter today at the U.K. Helitech International ...
BOC Aviation orders 25 A320 Family aircraft, including 12 A320neo
BOC Aviation orders 25 A320 Family aircraft, including 12 A320neoKey lessor highlights flourishing demand for A320 Family BOC Aviation, the Singapore-based aircraft leasing subsidiary of Bank of China, has announced during the 15th Aviation Expo China 2013 in Beijing an additional firm order for the purchase of 25 A320 Family aircraft comprising 13 A320ceo and 12 A320neo family aircraft. The order comprises A320 and A321 variants. BOC Aviation ...
Eurocopter presents a collectable art helicopter at the Monaco Yacht Show based on the twin-engine EC135
Eurocopter presents a "collectable art helicopter at the Monaco Yacht Show based on the twin-engine EC135 It is an eye-catching world-premiere in a blue and white Zig-Zag design: At this weeks Monaco Yacht Show, Eurocopter will exhibit a "collectable art helicopter aboard the Quattroelle, an 86-meter Lürssen yacht, with the EC135s cabin interior and exterior paint scheme designed by German artist Rita Weber. The project for this original ...
Lufthansa – größter Airbus-Airline-Kunde – unterzeichnet Kaufabsichtserklärung für bis zu 55 A350 XWB Flugzeuge
Lufthansa - größter Airbus-Airline-Kunde - unterzeichnet Kaufabsichtserklärung für bis zu 55 A350 XWB FlugzeugeA350 XWB maßgeblich für Modernisierung der Lufthansa-LangstreckenflotteDer Aufsichtsrat der Lufthansa hat entschieden, die Langstreckenflotte des größten Airbus-Airline-Kunden und -Betreibers mit einer Kaufabsichtserklärung für bis zu 55 Flugzeuge des Typs A350-900 (25 Festbestellungen und 30 Optionen) zu erweitern und zu ...
EADS gibt weitere Nominierungen für das Top-Management seiner künftigen Division Airbus Defence Space bekannt
EADS gibt weitere Nominierungen für das Top-Management seiner künftigen Division Airbus Defence Space bekanntEADS hat drei weitere Nominierungen für das Führungsteam seiner künftigen Division Airbus Defence Space bekannt gegeben, die im Jahr 2014 ihre Arbeit aufnehmen soll. Pilar Albiac-Murillo (60), derzeit Chief Operating Officer und CEO von Cassidian Spanien, wird Executive Vice President Operations bei der neuen Division. Sie wird ...
Kreative Ingenieure bei Cassidian ausgezeichnet
Kreative Ingenieure bei Cassidian ausgezeichnetTechnologie-Preis für herausragende Innovationen vergeben3D-Druckverfahren für Luftfahrt-Bauteile ermöglicht Aufbau komplexer Strukturen mit reduziertem RessourcenaufwandCassidian, die Verteidigungsdivision von EADS, fördert Technologie-Innovationen im eigenen Haus durch die Prämierung herausragender Leistungen auf allen Kompetenzfeldern der technischen Entwicklung. Entwicklungsleiter Andrew ...
Airbus assembly line in Mobile reaching for the sky
Airbus assembly line in Mobile reaching for the skyFirst vertical steel column raised for A320 Family Assembly Line in Mobile, AlabamaFollowing the completion of the ground work to prepare the Brookley Aeroplex site for building construction, Airbus A320 Family Assembly Line began taking shape as the first steel column was raised to a vertical position. The steel support, rising 100 feet into the air, is the first of many that will form the ...
ATR and LIAT sign Global Maintenance Agreement
ATR and LIAT sign Global Maintenance AgreementThe European manufacturer of turboprop aircraft ATR and the Caribbean carrier LIAT have announced the signature of a Global Maintenance Agreement (GMA) for the airline's new fleet of ATR -600 aircraft. Signed for an initial period of 10 years, the contract will cover the four ATR 42-600s and four ATR 72-600s that will be operated by the airline in the near future. LIAT has already started introducing ...
Harbin Composite Manufacturing Centre delivers 1st major A350 part
Harbin Composite Manufacturing Centre delivers 1st major A350 part Airbus newest joint venture in China progresses well on A350 work packages Harbin Hafei Airbus Composite Manufacturing Centre (HMC), a joint venture between Airbus and its Chinese partners, has started to deliver elevators for the Airbus A350 XWB programme. A ceremony was held today in Harbin for the delivery of the first ship set of elevators. The elevators manufactured at HMC ...
Cassidian and ETIAM will be providing the French Defence procurement agency (DGA) with a new generation of medical remote-diagnosis platforms
Cassidian and ETIAM will be providing the French Defence procurement agency (DGA) with a new generation of medical remote-diagnosis platformsThis new type of link will provide medical data quality in the field equal to that available back in France.Mobile military medical centres, or field medical centres, will be connected via a secure link with the 9 military hospitals in France, as of 2015.A contract was signed today by Cassidian, the defence ...
Moderne Identifikationssysteme von Cassidian erweitern die Fähigkeiten von Kampfflugzeugen
Moderne Identifikationssysteme von Cassidian erweitern die Fähigkeiten von Kampfflugzeugen "Reverse IFF" ermöglicht die präzise Früherkennung verbündeter Truppen vor dem WaffeneinsatzInstallation bedarf keiner größeren Änderungen an der Flugzeugausrüstung Cassidian, die Verteidigungsdivision von EADS, hat eine neue Identifikationsfunktion entwickelt, mit der Kampfflugzeuge und Hubschrauber zur Vermeidung von Freundbeschuss zuverlässig ...
Optronikmastsystem für U-Boote mit optimierten Stealth-Eigenschaften auf DSEI vorgestellt
Optronikmastsystem für U-Boote mit optimierten Stealth-Eigenschaften auf DSEI vorgestellt Einzigartige Kombination von Sensoren erweitert Aufklärungsfähigkeiten Kompakte Bauart und modulares Design erlauben einfache Installation und Integration auf allen U-Boot-TypenAuf der diesjährigen DSEI in London stellt die Cassidian Optronics GmbH, die frühere Carl Zeiss Optronics, ihren neuen Low-Profile Optronikmast OMS 200 vor. OMS 200 ...
Qatar Airways first A380 takes off for its maiden flight
Qatar Airways first A380 takes off for its maiden flight Flies to Hamburg for painting and cabin installation Qatar Airways first A380 took off from Toulouse on its maiden flight to Hamburg where the aircraft will be fitted with its cabin before being painted.The Doha based carrier has firm orders for ten A380s and will become the eleventh airline to join the prestigious club of A380 operators when it takes delivery of this aircraft in ...
Cassidian und Philips Healthcare arbeiten bei mobilen Feldlazaretten zusammen
Cassidian und Philips Healthcare arbeiten bei mobilen Feldlazaretten zusammenDas einzige mobil einsetzbare CT-Gerät von Philips mit hoch wirksamer Metallartefaktreduzierung wird in das umfassende Portfolio mobiler Feldhospitäler von Cassidian integriertCassidians umfassendes Portfolio mobiler Feldhospitäler (Mobile Field Hospitals) wird weiter ausgebaut. Dank einer Kooperation mit Philips Healthcare hat Cassidian ab sofort den einzigen mobil ...
Airbus showcases innovations and passenger comfort at Airline Passenger Experience Association (APEX) 2013 Expo
Airbus showcases innovations and passenger comfort at Airline Passenger Experience Association (APEX) 2013 Expo Explore the Airbus comfort standardA320 Family non-stop innovation mock-upNew high-definition video A380 A350 XWB cabin walkthroughsLatest A350 XWB cabin updatesVisit Airbus at: Stand # 1438, Tuesday 10th - Thursday 12th SeptemberDedicated Media Briefing for journalists: Tuesday 10th @ 09.00-10.00hrsInterview opportunities each day ...
Airbus ACJ319 in the spotlight at Russian business jet show
Airbus ACJ319 in the spotlight at Russian business jet showUnmatched comfort and space on showAirbus will display an Airbus ACJ319 at Jet Expo , allowing company executives, billionaires and government officials to see for themselves the widest and tallest cabin of any business jet.Operated by Tyrolean Jet Services of Austria for a private customer, as well as on VVIP charters, the Airbus ACJ319 features lounge areas at the front, a bedroom with ...
Airbus and China to collaborate on Air Traffic Management
Airbus and China to collaborate on Air Traffic Management Breakthrough agreement to modernise Chinas ATM ensuring growth Airbus and Chinas Air Traffic Management Bureau (ATMB) signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) to cooperate on modernizing the countrys Air Traffic Management System and to implement the latest Air Traffic Management (ATM) technologies.The MoU signed by Airbus and the ATMB under the Civil Aviation Administration of China ...
A tailor-made Eurocopter EC135 helicopter doubles emergency medical airlift capabilities for the U.K.s Devon Air Ambulance
A "tailor-made Eurocopter EC135 helicopter doubles emergency medical airlift capabilities for the U.K.s Devon Air AmbulanceDevon Air Ambulance has added a second Eurocopter EC135 to its helicopter fleet, enhancing the service providers own airlift capabilities and further fostering the market presence of this rotorcraft type in medical missions throughout the United Kingdom.The EC135 P2i version of Eurocopters twin-engine workhorse helicopter ...
Eurocopter and Poland: Meeting the countrys multi-role military helicopter requirements and supporting its industrial supply chain on a global scale
Eurocopter and Poland: Meeting the countrys multi-role military helicopter requirements and supporting its industrial supply chain on a global scale Eurocopters participation at Polands MSPO defense industry exhibition underscores its long-term commitment to this country, which includes the companys EC725 Caracal offer for the Ministry of National Defenses multi-role helicopter acquisition, and its intention to build on well-established ...
Bei Cassidian in Friedrichshafen starten 48 neue Auszubildende ins Berufsleben
Bei Cassidian in Friedrichshafen starten 48 neue Auszubildende ins Berufsleben Ausbildung in sieben Berufen und acht Studiengängen Frauenanteil in technischen Berufen gegenüber dem Vorjahr gestiegenBei Cassidian in Friedrichshafen beginnen in diesem Jahr 13 junge Frauen und 35 junge Männer ihre Ausbildung beziehungsweise ihr Duales Hochschulstudium. Der Frauenanteil in den technischen Berufen ist gegenüber dem Vorjahr um 2 % gestiegen. ...
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