Weltgesundheitsorganisation (WHO) Pressemappe Seite 2
Weltgesundheitsorganisation (WHO) Pressemappe
Balkans floods: clean-up underway
Balkans floods: clean-up underwayFollowing the severe flooding in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia and Serbia in May, the weather has improved and water levels have fallen. The removal of debris and the cleaning and disinfection of soil, roads and buildings are underway in all three affected countries.Municipalities are still trying to re-establish services (including those providing electricity, water and transportation) in large parts of the ...
HIV/AIDS epidemic in Europe: sexual transmission of HIV
HIV/AIDS epidemic in Europe: sexual transmission of HIV Sexual transmission of HIV occurs through heterosexual contact and among men who have sex with men. Unprotected anal or vaginal sex puts people at greater risk of HIV.Sex workers are particularly vulnerable to HIV/AIDS and are difficult to reach for HIV testing, prevention, treatment and care. Their work is often stigmatized and they may be exposed to violence, with little power to ...
Implementing the Health 2020 vision in the Nordic and Baltic countries: high-level meeting in Helsinki, Finland
Implementing the Health 2020 vision in the Nordic and Baltic countries: high-level meeting in Helsinki, FinlandWhat policies reduce health inequities? Policy-makers and politicians will identify and share effective policies and interventions at a subregional policy dialogue organized by the WHO Regional Office for Europe and Finlands Ministry of Social Affairs and Health on 16-17 June 2014."We live in a WHO region in which social, economic and ...
Verwirklichung unserer Vision: Bericht der Regionaldirektorin
Verwirklichung unserer Vision: Bericht der RegionaldirektorinDie Annahme von "Gesundheit 2020", dem Rahmenkonzept der Europäischen Region für Gesundheit und Wohlbefinden, ist einer der zahlreichen Erfolge in jüngster Zeit, die das WHO-Regionalbüro für Europa und die von ihm betreuten 53 Länder in die Lage versetzen, auf das sich verändernde gesundheitspolitische Umfeld zu reagieren. In diesem Bericht wird die Tätigkeit der WHO zur ...
World Health Assembly, day 4: proposals on coordination of noncommunicable disease response
World Health Assembly, day 4: proposals on coordination of noncommunicable disease responseThe World Health Assembly approved proposals to improve global coordination of efforts to address noncommunicable diseases like diabetes, cancers, heart disease and stroke. It also approved a resolution to improve the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of viral hepatitis.Highlights for the European RegionAt a meeting with the WHO Regional Director for ...
Childhood obesity and tuberculosis on agenda on first day of World Health Assembly
Childhood obesity and tuberculosis on agenda on first day of World Health AssemblyThe Sixty-seventh World Health Assembly, WHOs annual global meeting of ministers and senior health officials, opened on 19 May 2014.Addressing the delegates, Dr Margaret Chan, WHO Director-General, voiced her deep concern about the increase worldwide of childhood obesity, with numbers climbing fastest in developing countries. "As the 2014 World Health Statistics ...
HIV/AIDS epidemic in Europe: HIV transmission through injecting drug use
HIV/AIDS epidemic in Europe: HIV transmission through injecting drug useOpioid substitution therapy is one of the best ways to prevent HIV transmission among people who inject drugs. Integrating such therapy with HIV treatment and care is key to addressing the HIV epidemic effectively.In the WHO European Region, the rate of HIV transmission through injecting drug use has remained relatively high and stable between 2010 and 2012. While decreasing ...
WHO and Russian Federation sign country cooperation strategy
WHO and Russian Federation sign country cooperation strategyOn 18 May 2014, the Russian Federation and WHO signed a country cooperation strategy, providing a medium-term vision for technical cooperation, to support the countrys national health policy, strategy, action plan and related efforts, in line with Health 2020. The strategy will guide cooperation until 2020.At the signing, Margaret Chan, WHO Director-General, thanked Veronika Skvortsova, ...
New global report: depression predominant cause of illness and disability among adolescents
New global report: depression predominant cause of illness and disability among adolescentsA new WHO report, "Health for the worlds adolescents, brings together, for the first time, all the WHO guidance on the full spectrum of health issues affecting adolescents.Although adolescents are often thought of as a healthy group, many die prematurely from accidents, suicide, violence and other illnesses that are either preventable or treatable. Many ...
United Nations adopts new resolution on improving global road safety
United Nations adopts new resolution on improving global road safety Road traffic injuries are the leading cause of death among children and young people aged 5-29 years in the WHO European Region. Last month, the United Nations General Assembly adopted a resolution on improving global road safety, sponsored by the Government of the Russian Federation.Road traffic accidents are estimated to have taken 1.24 million lives globally in 2010. Only 7% ...
HIV/Aids-Epidemie in Europa: Fortschritte mit Tests und Beratungsangeboten
HIV/Aids-Epidemie in Europa: Fortschritte mit Tests und BeratungsangebotenDas Wissen um eine HIV-Infektion ist die Voraussetzung ihrer Behandlung und Versorgung. Tests unterstützen aber auch die Präventionsarbeit, denn sie motivieren infizierte Personen dazu, eine Weiterübertragung auf andere zu vermeiden, bzw. nicht infizierte Personen dazu, sich nicht selbst einem Infektionsrisiko auszusetzen. Schnelltests und Tests durch Selbsthilfegruppen ...
Malaria: great progress towards elimination, but persistent threat of imported cases and reintroduction
Malaria: great progress towards elimination, but persistent threat of imported cases and reintroduction The WHO European Region aims to interrupt the transmission of malaria and eliminate the disease by 2015.The number of reported locally acquired cases has dropped dramatically: from 90 712 cases reported in 1995 to only 37 in 2013, reported in Greece, Tajikistan and Turkey. Nevertheless, 5000 cases were imported into the Region in 2013, and the ...
Paris declaration on green and healthy mobility and transport signed
Paris declaration on green and healthy mobility and transport signedOn 15 April 2014, European ministers attending the Fourth High-level Meeting on Transport, Health and Environment, hosted by the Government of France, adopted the Paris Declaration: City in Motion - People First!. The Declaration sets priorities and calls for action to ensure green and healthy mobility and transport to secure sustainable livelihoods for all."I congratulate all ...
Third European Roma Summit calls for integration at local level
Third European Roma Summit calls for integration at local levelAround 500 representatives of European Union (EU) institutions, national governments and parliaments, international organizations, civil society (including Roma organizations), local and regional authorities and mayors gathered in Brussels on 4 April 2014 to discuss how to make:- policies inclusive for all Roma at the local level;- EU funding reach local and regional authorities to ...
Leitlinien für die Behandlung von Hepatitis C veröffentlicht
Leitlinien für die Behandlung von Hepatitis C veröffentlichtDie WHO hat ihren ersten Leitfaden für die Behandlung von Hepatitis C veröffentlicht. Dabei handelt es sich um eine chronische Infektion, von der nach Schätzungen 130 bis 150 Mio. Menschen betroffen sind und die weltweit jährlich für 350 000 bis 500 000 Todesfälle verantwortlich ist. In der Europäischen Region der WHO ist nach Schätzungen jeder Fünfzigste mit Hepatitis C ...
New resources support laboratory quality management
New resources support laboratory quality managementTo help laboratories implement systems to manage quality control, WHO recently launched a suite of resources in several languages.The "Laboratory quality management system: handbook provides a comprehensive reference base. Available in English, French and Russian, it covers topics essential to quality management in a public health or clinical laboratory. Alongside it, the "Laboratory quality ...
77 000 Menschen in der Europäischen Region erkranken jedes Jahr an Vektorkrankheiten
77 000 Menschen in der Europäischen Region erkranken jedes Jahr an VektorkrankheitenDie Menschen in der Europäischen Region der WHO sind nicht vor durch Vektoren übertragenen Krankheiten sicher. Anlässlich des Weltgesundheitstages am 7. April 2014 ruft die WHO alle Bürger auf, sich vor Vektorkrankheiten zu schützen.Zwischen 1990 und 2010 sind mehr als 1,5 Mio. Menschen in der Europäischen Region infolge von Stichen bzw. Bissen von ...
Almost 600 000 deaths due to air pollution in Europe: new WHO global report
Almost 600 000 deaths due to air pollution in Europe: new WHO global reportExposure to air pollution accounted for 7 million deaths worldwide in 2012, including almost 600 000 in the WHO European Region. This is the main finding of a new WHO report (1), released today, on the burden of disease related to ambient (outdoor) and household (indoor) air pollution. Specifically, 482 000 deaths are attributable to ambient air pollution and 117 200 ...
Four-fold difference in antibiotic consumption across the European Region – new WHO report
Four-fold difference in antibiotic consumption across the European Region - new WHO reportA new report published in The Lancet Infectious Diseases on 20 March 2014, is the first to release data on total antibiotic consumption for countries outside the European Union (EU). The data (from 2011) indicate an almost fourfold difference between the lowest and the highest antibiotic users among 42 countries and regions in the WHO European ...
WHO überarbeitet Leitlinien für Zuckerkonsum
WHO überarbeitet Leitlinien für ZuckerkonsumDie WHO veranstaltet vom 5. bis 31. März 2014 eine öffentliche Konsultation über den Entwurf der Leitlinien für die Zuckeraufnahme. Teilnahmeberechtigt ist, wer eine entsprechende Interessenerklärung abgibt. Nach der Konsultation und einer anschließenden fachlichen Begutachtung sollen die Leitlinien fertig gestellt werden. Sie sollen den Ländern Empfehlungen zur Begrenzung des Zuckerkonsums an ...
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