Pressemitteilungen zum Thema "arabians"

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Pressemitteilungen zum Suchbegriff-Schlagwort arabians
Sax Arabians Germany
aus 84169 Altfraunhofen
Reinhard Sax is not only a successful businessman, he is also a fantastic breeder of Arabian horses. He fills his active life every day with living in the midst of his beloved Arabian horses. Since he was a child, he always had animals and was a constantly busy and very hard working person. With all his power and excellent management, he built up one of the biggest scaffolding companies in South-Germany. Now Reinhard´s son is running the ...
Calendar "Edition Boiselle - Faszination 2014"
aus 84169 Altfraunhofen
For many years now Pure-Bred Arab Horses have been my favourite equine photo models. I feel a very special bond with them - and this extends back as 1985 when I published my very first calendar entitled "Fascination”, which still appears today...The famous horse-photographer Gabriele Boiselle visited Reinhard Sax, Sax Arabians Germany..."When you go out into the yard of Sax Arabian Stud and see this mare and foal drinking at the fountain, ...