Pressemitteilungen zum Thema "darfour"

darfour Pressemeldungen passend zum Suchbegriff darfour im Presseportal

Pressemitteilungen zum Suchbegriff-Schlagwort darfour
?GAF Completed Extensive Fieldworks Campaign in Darfur, Sudan
aus 80636 München
?GAF Completed Extensive Fieldworks Campaign in Darfur, Sudan (Mynewsdesk) GAF AG has successfully accomplished the extensive fieldwork programme in its Darfur Natural Resources Mapping and Database Project carried out for the Darfur Land Commission (DLC). It is the so far largest comprehensive and most up-to-date inventory and capacity-building project on the natural resources and ecological potential of this 500,000 sqkm Saharian/Sahelian region. Munich, Nyala, Khartoum, March 2015A wealth of Earth ...