Pressemitteilungen zum Thema "friede-springer-foundation"
friede-springer-foundation Pressemeldungen passend zum Suchbegriff friede-springer-foundation im Presseportal
Pressemitteilungen zum Suchbegriff-Schlagwort friede-springer-foundation
Friede Springer: "The Investment in Scientific Excellence at HHL Pays off"
As part of its investment in scientific excellence, the Friede Springer Foundation supports two female doctoral candidates at the Graduate School of the Center for Advanced Studies in Management (CASiM) of HHL Leipzig Graduate School of Management. During her visit to the first business school established in Germany, Friede Springer met the two research associates, Fundiswa Ndaba, 29, and Linh Nguyen, 26. While Vietnamese Nguyen researches trust ...

"115 years of HHL - 11+5 HHL faces" portraits Fundiswa Ndaba
HHL Leipzig Graduate School of Management, the first business school established in Germany, celebrates its 115th anniversary this year. The institution was founded in the Auditorium Maximum of Leipzig University on April 25, 1898, to train young merchants seeking to lead large companies in an appropriate manner. After World War II, it was absorbed into Leipzig University: in 1969, the GDR opened a business school with a focus on domestic trade. ...

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