Pressemitteilungen zum Thema "india"
india Pressemeldungen passend zum Suchbegriff india im Presseportal
Pressemitteilungen zum Suchbegriff-Schlagwort india
Rhythms of India - Workshop-Wochenende mit indischen Rhythmen auf BURG FÜRSTENECK
Zu einem Wochenend-Workshop "Rhythms of India - indische Rhythmen" lädt die Akademie BURG FÜRSTENECK vom 21. bis 22. April 2018 ein. Angesprochen sind alle Interessierten, die teils in parallelen Gruppen und teils im gemeinsamen Plenum betreut werden. Den Unterricht übernehmen Karthik Mani Subramanya (perc.), Torsten de Winkel (git.), Kai Eckhardt-Karpeh de Camargo (bs.) und Magnus Dauner (perc.), die alle auf hohem internationalen Niveau ...

Save the Date: India Business Day at HHL Leipzig Graduate School of Management on Jan. 30, 2017
HHL Leipzig Graduate School of Management and the Embassy of India, Berlin, cordially invite to their joint event "India Business Day at HHL” on Monday, 30. January 2017 The event will provide an idea of what opportunities and challenges German companies will face when doing business in India. Participants will learn more about the initiative of the Indian government "Start-Up India Mission”, which is designed to create an innovation ...

Teaching About India and Learning From Germany; New Indian Professor at HHL.
Prof. Sushil Khanna, Ph.D., is the new Holder of the ICCR Chair of Corporate Responsibility & Governance at Germany's HHL Leipzig Graduate School of Management. He succeeds Prof. Vasanthi Srinivasan and Prof. Radha Sharma who had been holding the ICCR Chair with great engagement for the past two years. The Chair is kindly supported by the Indian Council of Cultural Relations (ICCR), an institution affiliated with the Indian Ministry of External ...

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