Pressemitteilungen zum Thema "part-time-mba-program"
part-time-mba-program Pressemeldungen passend zum Suchbegriff part-time-mba-program im Presseportal
Pressemitteilungen zum Suchbegriff-Schlagwort part-time-mba-program
Careers with an MBA. "I Am Shaping the Future of Fashion Retail"
Thomas Höhn is a graduate (2015) of the Part-time Master in General Management Program (MBA) of HHL Leipzig Graduate School of Management. The alumnus, who was born in Rosenheim, works as the Managing Director of Breuninger's flagship store in Düsseldorf. Benefiting from exchanging experiences and practice-oriented management knowledgeLooking back at his MBA studies, the 39-year-old comments, "Exchanging experiences on a bilateral level with ...

HHL Strengthens the Entrepreneurship Profile of its Part-Time MBA
HHL Leipzig Graduate School of Management's part-time MBA program also ranks among the top positions worldwide in the field of entrepreneurship. The curriculum of HHL's part-time MBA program with a general orientation will be extended by a new module called Business Design, Modeling, and Planning to become even more attractive to founders, innovators and future entrepreneurs. This course will be offered to the classes starting in spring 2015 in ...

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