Pressemitteilungen zum Thema "political-fiction"
political-fiction Pressemeldungen passend zum Suchbegriff political-fiction im Presseportal
Pressemitteilungen zum Suchbegriff-Schlagwort political-fiction
Political fiction, revisited: Douglas Lindsay's 'The End Of Days'
A wave of the sea, blown by the wind, foaming, tossed, has unique complexities. Up to a certain point, the same probably goes for pointless TV-shows, collapsing economies, conspiracy theorists, military operations by the US, news channels and the filth they throw up, first signs of class war, politicians, business leaders, financial greed, zombie managers, social trends, the world of media, government authorities, the global free market system - ...
Political fiction - Douglas Lindsay's 'The End Of Days' revisited
A wave of the sea, blown by the wind, foaming, tossed, has unique complexities. Up to a certain point, the same probably goes for pointless TV-shows, collapsing economies, conspiracy theorists, military operations by the US, news channels and the filth they throw up, first signs of class war, politicians, business leaders, financial greed, zombie managers, social trends, the world of media, government authorities, the global free market system - ...
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