Pressemitteilungen zum Thema "rising-star"
rising-star Pressemeldungen passend zum Suchbegriff rising-star im Presseportal
Pressemitteilungen zum Suchbegriff-Schlagwort rising-star
Experton Cloud Vendor Benchmark 2014 - AppSphere als "Cloud Rising Star" ausgezeichnet
-- /via JETZT-PR/ -- Der Ettlinger System- und Softwareanbieter AppSphere AG wurde vom Analystenhaus Experton Group in dessen "Cloud Vendor Benchmark 2014" als "Rising Star" des deutschen Cloud-Markts ausgezeichnet. Das Analysten-Team hob insbesondere AppSpheres umfassendes Know-how rund um Cloud-Infrastrukturen hervor."AppSphere verfügt über jahrelanges profundes strategisches, konzeptionelles und technisches Wissen im Aufbau ...
Rising Star: HHL's MBA Program Ranked by
In its 2012 "Rising Stars” MBA ranking HHL's full-time MBA Program ranked tenth by Additionally, the e-learning based Euro*MBA, of which HHL is a consortium partner, ranks eleventh in the Rising Stars survey.The ranking consists of those top 35 international business schools and their MBA programs which made a significant improvement in the recent launched the ranking to help future MBA students in ...
Rising Star: HHL's MBA Program ranked by
In its 2011 "Rising Stars” MBA ranking HHL's full-time MBA program ranked twelfth by Additionally, the e-learning based Euro*MBA, of which HHL is a consortium partner, ranks thirteenth in the Rising Stars surveyThe ranking consists of those top 30 international business schools and their MBA programs which made a significant improvement in the recent launched the ranking to help future MBA students in ...
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