Pressemitteilungen zum Thema "scholarship"
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Pressemitteilungen zum Suchbegriff-Schlagwort scholarship
Pharmacist from Damascus/Syria Studies Management in Leipzig/Germany
Alaa Succer from Syria now holds the Fridtjof Nansen Memorial Scholarship which HHL Leipzig Graduate School of Management awarded for the first time. The scholarship, which is in remembrance of Fridtjof Nansen (1861-1930), who was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize for his contribution to the international aid to refugees, is available to outstanding, qualified refugees wishing to study at Germany's first business school. Alaa Succer, who comes from ...

HHL Series "How to finance a Master degree?" Part III: HHL Scholarship
The competition was top-class. But Martin Sutter made it: he is among a few select students who receive funding through the HHL Scholarship for Effective and Responsible Leadership. By awarding this scholarship, HHL honors applicants who are particularly suited to become responsible leaders. "I am glad and also a little proud to have made the cut," says the 24-year-old from Bavaria, who enrolled at HHL last September.However, the way to ...

HHL Series "How to finance a Master degree?" Part II: Scholarship for Women in Business
The name says it all: Women in Business - this HHL scholarship is to support exceptionally talented and motivated women who see their career goals in a leading position. Women like Christine Meister. The 22-year-old with the German-sounding name is actually an American with Swiss roots and has been studying in Leipzig since August 2014. "After I obtained my Bachelor's degree from the University of Houston, I had to go to Europe by any means ...

РуÑÑкие Ñтипендиаты в Германии
Ð‘Ð»Ð°Ð³Ð¾Ð´Ð°Ñ€Ñ Ñтипендии, ÐºÐ¾Ñ‚Ð¾Ñ€Ð°Ñ Ð¿Ñ€Ð¸ÑуждаетÑÑ Ð¼Ð¸Ð½Ð¸ÑтерÑтвом Ðкономики и Ðнергетики Германии (BMWi) через фонды ЕвропейÑкой ...

HHL: Special MBA Scholarships for Women
For its 15 to 21-month Master Program in General Management (MBA), HHL Leipzig Graduate School of Management awards the Women in Business Scholarship to women seeking a career in management. Each scholarship carries an award of up to EUR 15,000. Eligibility criteria are, among other things, excellent GMAT scores and an essay in English (about 3,000 words). Candidates from all academic fields and nationalities, who have gained some initial ...

Scholarships for Global Executive MBA Program of HHL and EADA
The Global Executive MBA Program of German HHL Leipzig Graduate School of Management and Spanish Escuela de Alta Dirección y Administración (EADA) focuses on the development of leadership skills and teaches about intercultural competence and economic peculiarities of management in Southern and Northern Europe as well as Brazil, China and India. The program, which uses English as the classroom language, is designed especially for executives who ...
HHL: Scholarships for the MBA Program
For its 12 to 18-month Master Program in General Management (MBA), HHL Leipzig Graduate School of Management awards the Young Leader Scholarship, the HHL Future Entrepreneur Scholarship and the Women in Business grant. The scholarships each carry an award of up to EUR 13,500. Eligibility criteria for these scholarships are, among other things, excellent GMAT scores (650 minimum). Students applying for an HHL Future Entrepreneur Scholarship must ...

New Scholarships for Part-Time MBA Programm at HHL Leipzig Graduate School of Management
The worldwide trend of companies opening their positions in top management is increasing both the career opportunities for female managers and the demand for well-trained women with leadership competencies. HHL Leipzig Graduate School of Management focuses particularly on the topic of diversity in addition to the general management approach as well as intercultural aspects in its part-time MBA program. The school seeks to put together a class as ...

Neue Stipendien für berufsbegleitendes Managementstudium an der HHL Leipzig Graduate School of Management
Der weltweite Trend zu einer stärkeren Öffnung der Positionen im Top-Management von Unternehmen erhöht einerseits die Aufstiegschancen weiblicher Führungskräfte, andererseits wächst der Bedarf an gut ausgebildeten Frauen mit Leadership-Kompetenzen. Die HHL Leipzig Graduate School of Management fokussiert innerhalb ihres berufsbegleitenden MBA-Programms neben dem General Management-Ansatz und dem interkulturellen Aspekt gerade auch auf das ...

Scholarships "Effective and Responsible Leadership" by HHL Leipzig Graduate School of Management
Oman Fayziev, 22, Hung-Yu Lin, 23, and Stefan Scheuermann, 22, are the holders of the scholarship "Effective and Responsible Leadership" of HHL. For the scholarships, which are endowed with up to EUR 15,000 each, only applicants with outstanding achievements are considered for the 21 to 24-month long Master's Program in Management (M.Sc.) at the Leipzig manager forge. Selection criteria are a very good first degree (bachelor) in Business ...

HHL - Leipzig Graduate School of Management (Germany) is offering ‘Women in Business' scholarship
HHL - Leipzig Graduate School of Management (Germany) is offering a ‘Women in Business' scholarship to the value of up to EUR 15,500 to outstanding female applicants for the 18-month Master Program in General Management (MBA). Selection criteria for the new scholarship include a high GMAT score (min. 650 points) and an essay in English. Eligible for the scholarships are female students applying for HHL's full-time MBA Program starting in ...

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