Pressemitteilungen zum Thema "trust"
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Pressemitteilungen zum Suchbegriff-Schlagwort trust
Save the Date & Call for Papers: International CASiM Research Colloquium on Trust July 9, 2015
The Center for Advanced Studies in Management (CASiM), the interdisciplinary research center of HHL Leipzig Graduate School of Management for business administration in the 21st century, will host its international research colloquium on the topic of trust in Leipzig (Germany) on July 9, 2015.The research colloquium is an integral part of the HHL Summer School that will tackle the topic of trust from an interdisciplinary perspective. Both events ...

Friede Springer: "The Investment in Scientific Excellence at HHL Pays off"
As part of its investment in scientific excellence, the Friede Springer Foundation supports two female doctoral candidates at the Graduate School of the Center for Advanced Studies in Management (CASiM) of HHL Leipzig Graduate School of Management. During her visit to the first business school established in Germany, Friede Springer met the two research associates, Fundiswa Ndaba, 29, and Linh Nguyen, 26. While Vietnamese Nguyen researches trust ...

CASiM Conference "The Role of Trust in Business Economics" in Leipzig (Germany) on June 28, 2012
Trust is one of the crucial foundations for the successful exchange and interplay of economic actors. Trust has a great influence on the intra-firm and inter-firm interaction of employees, management, customers and financiers, and hence on the efficiency and prosperity of the national economy. In spite of the necessity of economic rules, regulations, compliance and contracts within firms, on the market and in the national economy, there can be ...

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