Eni S.p.A. Pressemappe Seite 3
Eni S.p.A. Pressemappe
Eni signs a new contract with CNOOC for exploration in the South China Sea
Eni signs a new contract with CNOOC for exploration in the South China SeaThe Block covers an area of about 2,000 sqkm in the Qiongdongnan Basin in conventional waters. The exploration period will last 6.5 years, subdivided in 3 phases.San Donato Milanese (Milano), 20 June 2014 - Eni signed a new Production Sharing Contract ("PSC") with CNOOC for the exploration of one block offshore Hainan island, in the South China Sea.The Block 50/34 covers ...
Eni launches its car sharing service 'enjoy' in Rome
Eni launches its car sharing service "enjoy" in RomeThe car sharing service offered in Rome is the same as the one already implemented in Milan: you can view the nearest car and book it with the App or via the website enjoy.eni.com. You can also choose a car from the street, book it and use it immediately.Enjoy, the car sharing service that Eni developed in partnership with Fiat and Trenitalia, has arrived in Rome and will start operating ...
Eni: agreement signed with Gazprom on revision of gas supply terms
Eni: agreement signed with Gazprom on revision of gas supply termsThe agreement involves a reduction in supply prices and an important change in the price indexation to fully align it with the market. In addition, in 2014 Enis ability to recover gas pre-paid under "take or pay" clauses will be significantly enhanced.Gazprom CEO Alexey Miller and Eni CEO Claudio Descalzi have today signed an agreement to revise the terms of gas supply ...
Eni successfully appraises Agulha discovery , in Mozambique Area 4
Eni successfully appraises Agulha discovery , in Mozambique Area 4The Agulha 2 well, which is the twelfth well successfully drilled in Area 4, proved about 25 meters of gas column in good quality Paleocene reservoir sandstones and confirmed the southern extension of the field.San Donato Milanese (Milan), 22 May 2014 - Eni has successfully executed the appraisal campaign for the Agulha discovery, located in Area 4 offshore Mozambique.The ...
Eni signs agreements for the sale of Refining Marketing activities in the Czech Republic, Slovakia and Romania to MOL Group
Eni signs agreements for the sale of Refining Marketing activities in the Czech Republic, Slovakia and Romania to MOL GroupToday, Eni signed in Budapest an agreement with MOL Group, a Hungarian oil gas company, for the sale of its 32.445% stake in Ceská Rafinérská a.s. (CRC), a refining company in the Czech Republic.San Donato Milanese (Milan), 7 May 2014 - Today, Eni signed in Budapest an agreement with MOL Group, a Hungarian oil gas ...
Eni makes a new offshore oil and gas discovery in the Norwegian Barents Sea
Eni makes a new offshore oil and gas discovery in the Norwegian Barents SeaThe discovery is part of Eni's joint venture exploration activity to develop the Johan Castberg field.San Donato Milanese (Milan), 2 May 2014 - Eni has made a new offshore oil and gas discovery in the Norwegian Barents Sea, approximately 230 km from Hammerfest.The well 7220/7-3S is located 6 kilometers south of the Johan Castberg area on the Drivis Prospect in the PL532 ...
Eni unveils Italy's first liquefied natural gas fuelling station for heavy duty vehicles
Eni unveils Italy's first liquefied natural gas fuelling station for heavy duty vehiclesThe Piacenza LNG fuelling station is part of the company's commitment to promoting the use of environmentally friendly fuels through innovative, high-tech solutions.Eni has today opened Italys first liquefied natural gas (LNG) fuelling station for heavy duty vehicles, located in Piacenza.The Piacenza LNG fuelling station is the first in a series that Eni ...
Eni: first quarter results of 2014
Eni: first quarter results of 2014Eni, the international oil and gas company, today announces its group results for the first quarter of 20141 (unaudited).Financial highlights- Adjusted operating profit: €3.49 billion, down 6.8% from the first quarter 2013;- Adjusted net profit: €1.19 billion, down 14.3% from the first quarter 2013;- Net profit: €1.30 billion, down 15.6% from the first quarter 2013;- Operating cash flow2: €2.15 ...
Eni: clarification on CEO's remuneration
Eni: clarification on CEO's remunerationEni clarifies that the total remuneration paid to Chief Executive Officer Paolo Scaroni in 2013 amounted to €4.555 million, 29% lower than his remuneration in 2012Eni clarifies that the total remuneration paid to Chief Executive Officer Paolo Scaroni in 2013 amounted to €4.555 million, 29% lower than his remuneration in 2012 (€ 6.397 million).The amount of € 5.81 million noted in the hearing held ...
Eni CEO Paolo Scaroni meets President of Mozambique Armando Guebuza
Eni CEO Paolo Scaroni meets President of Mozambique Armando GuebuzaDuring the comprehensive meeting, Paolo Scaroni illustrated the progress made in terms of exploration; following the completion of 11 wells, with a success rate of 100%, Eni will drill two additional wells in 2014.The President of the Republic of Mozambique, Armando Guebuza, and Enis CEO, Paolo Scaroni, met today in Bruxelles for an update on Enis activities and projects in the ...
Eni's Enjoy car sharing scheme, record numbers for the third month with 55 thousand members and over 200 thousand rentals
Eni's Enjoy car sharing scheme, record numbers for the third month with 55 thousand members and over 200 thousand rentalsThese record numbers, together with hundreds of new subscriptions every day, demonstrate the success of the Enjoy car-sharing scheme in Milan. Rome launch planned for June55 thousand registered customers and over 200 thousand rentals in just three months; these record numbers, together with hundreds of new subscriptions every ...
Eni renewed the Framework Agreement with the Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche (CNR)
Eni renewed the Framework Agreement with the Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche (CNR)The agreement has been signed by the CEO of Eni, Paolo Scaroni, and by the President of the CNR, Luigi NicolaisRome, 25 February 2014 - Eni has today renewed the Framework Agreement with the Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche (CNR) for cooperation in research, focused on the production of sustainable energy, environmental safeguard and experimentation of new ...
Eni 2014 - 2017 Strategic Plan
Eni 2014 - 2017 Strategic PlanGrowing cash generation underpins shareholder returns- EP: leveraging on exploration success to deliver profitable growth- ~3% production CAGR 2014-2017, rising to ~4% 2017-2023- GP: renegotiation of supply costs and increasing focus on premium segments- 100% of supply cost aligned to market by 2016- RM: cutting refining capacity in line with new market conditions- Additional cuts in Italian refining capacity by ...
Eni announces results for the fourth quarter and the full year 2013
Eni announces results for the fourth quarter and the full year 2013Eni, the international oil and gas company, today announces its Group results for the fourth quarter and the full year 2013 (unaudited).Financial highlights 1- Adjusted operating profit: €3.52 billion (down 29%) for the quarter; €12.62 billion (down 34%2) for the full year;- Adjusted net profit: €1.30 billion for the quarter (down 14%); €4.43 billion for the full year ...
Eni: important new discovery in offshore Congo
Eni: important new discovery in offshore CongoThe exploration well, Nene Marine 3, which led to the important result, was drilled in a water depth of 28 meters and has encountered a significant wet gas and light oil accumulation in the pre-salt clastic sequence outlining a significant extension to the west of the reservoir and its hydraulic continuity.Eni has made an important new exploration discovery in the Marine XII Block located ...
Report on the purchase of treasury shares
Report on the purchase of treasury sharesFollowing the purchases announced today, considering the treasury shares already held, on 7 February 2014 Eni holds n. 15,893,287 shares equal to 0.44% of the share capital.San Donato Milanese (Milan), 12 February 2014 - During the period from February 3 to February 7, 2014, Eni acquired n. 960,000 shares for a total consideration of € 15,793,879.10, within the authorization to purchase treasury shares ...
Report on the purchase of treasury shares
Report on the purchase of treasury sharesFollowing the purchases announced today, considering the treasury shares already held, on 31 January 2014 Eni holds n. 14,933,287 shares equal to 0.41% of the share capital.During the period from January 27 to January 31, 2014, Eni acquired n. 970,000 shares for a total consideration of € 16,351,545.94, within the authorization to purchase treasury shares approved at Enis Ordinary General Meeting of ...
Lotte Versalis Elastomers, a joint venture to target Asian growth in the elastomers market
Lotte Versalis Elastomers, a joint venture to target Asian growth in the elastomers marketVersalis, Eni's chemical subsidiary and a global leader in the elastomers industry, and Lotte Chemical, a major petrochemical company in South Korea, have established a 50:50 Joint Venture under the name of Lotte Versalis Elastomers Co., Ltd..Lotte Chemical CEO, Mr Sooyoung Huh, and Versalis CEO, Daniele Ferrari, made the announcement at the Korea ...
Eni CEO Paolo Scaroni meets the President of the Republic of Ukraine Viktor Yanukovich
Eni CEO Paolo Scaroni meets the President of the Republic of Ukraine Viktor YanukovichEni, which has been present in Ukraine since 2011, owns 50.01% and the operatorship of the Ukrainian company LLC WSTGASINVESTKiev, 30 October 2013 - The President of the Republic of Ukraine, Viktor Yanukovych, and the Chief Executive Officer of Eni, Paolo Scaroni, met today in Kiev to discuss about Enis projects in the country.During the meeting, Paolo Scaroni ...
Eni announces Results for the Third Quarter and Nine Months 2013
Eni announces Results for the Third Quarter and Nine Months 2013Eni, the international oil and gas company, today announces its group results for the third quarter and nine months 2013 (unaudited)1 . Financial highlights2Adjusted operating profit: €3.44 billion for the quarter (down 15.7%3); €9.1 billion for the nine months (down 35.2%3); Adjusted net profit: €1.17 billion for the quarter (down 29.4%3); €3.13 billion for the nine months ...
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