Eni S.p.A. Pressemappe Seite 4
Eni S.p.A. Pressemappe
Eni: Camilla Palladino new head of media relations, Francesco Gattei new head of investor relations
Eni: Camilla Palladino new head of media relations, Francesco Gattei new head of investor relationsShe replaces Erika Mandraffino, who is now Senior Vice President of Public Affairs and Communication at SaipemSan Donato Milanese (Milan), 7 October, 2013 - Camilla Palladino has been appointed Head of Media Relations at Eni, replacing Erika Mandraffino, who is now Senior Vice President of Public Affairs and Communication at Saipem.Camilla ...
'Let's give energy a new energy': a special concert at MIT celebrates the renewal of the research collaboration with Eni
"Let's give energy a new energy": a special concert at MIT celebrates the renewal of the research collaboration with EniLa Scala Chamber Orchestra performs "Fantasies from Verdis Operas"Last night saw great success at the Massachusetts Institute of Technologys (MIT) Kresge Auditorium, with the La Scala Chamber Orchestra (Cameristi della Scala) performing"Fantasies from Verdis Operas". The concert, presented by Eni and MIT, celebrates the renewal ...
Eni presents the twelfth edition of World Oil and Gas Review
Eni presents the twelfth edition of World Oil and Gas Review World oil reserves increased in 2012 (+2% vs 2011), gas reserves remained almost flat (+0.4% vs 2011) World production of oil and gas is rising (+2.9% and +1.8% vs 2011) World oil consumption is growing (+1% vs 2011), but not in Europe World gas consumption is also rising (+2.3% vs 2011) LNG trade dropped for the first time in 40 yearsSan Donato Milanese (Milan), ...
Eni ranked first in survey of Italian Companies' transparency in anti-bribery programs
Eni ranked first in survey of Italian Companies' transparency in anti-bribery programsThis was decided by Transparency International Italy, which assesses also Companies organizational transparency and the economic and financial information on activities in the countries where they have a presence.San Donato Milanese (Milan), 2 October 2013 - Eni has been ranked first in a survey conducted by Transparency International Italy into the corporate ...
Eni launches the institutional campaign 'Let's give energy a new energy'
Eni launches the institutional campaign "Let's give energy a new energy"Toni Servillo is the narrator.San Donato Milanese (Milan), 27 September, 2013 - Eni presented in Milan today Rethink Energy, the new institutional campaign designed to instil a new mentality of responsible and efficient energy use. The campaigns slogan is "Let's give energy a new energy".Rethink Energy, which will be launched on 29 September, describes Eni's international ...
Eni Board of Directors
Eni Board of DirectorsApproval of 2013 interim dividend: €0.55 per shareRome, 19 September 2013 - At the board meeting held today, Enis Board of Directors resolved to distribute to Shareholders an interim dividend for the fiscal year 2013 of €0.55 per each share1 outstanding at the ex-dividend date as of 23 September 2013, payable on 26 September 2013. The proposal to distribute an interim dividend of €0.55 was announced to the market on 1 ...
Eni and SNPC to jointly explore the Ngolo congolese block
Eni and SNPC to jointly explore the Ngolo congolese blockEni, through its company Eni Congo, will participate, as Operator, in the joint venture with SNPC for the exploration of the blockSan Donato Milanese (Milan), 19 September 2013 - Eni and the Congolese state company Société Nationale des Pétroles du Congo (SNPC),will jointly explore the hydrocarbon potential of the Ngolo block, which is part of the Cuvette Basin. The block is located ...
Eni and Deutsche Bank work in collaboration for Women in Business and Society. Crossing Borders.
Eni and Deutsche Bank work in collaboration for Women in Business and Society. Crossing Borders.The international conference dedicated to "Europe of the future from a female perspective" arrives in ItalyEni and Deutsche Bank are working in collaboration for the first Italian edition of Women in Business and Society. Crossing Borders, which will be held on Tuesday, 17 September at 15:00 at the Piccolo Teatro Strehler in Milan. The aim of the ...
Eni confirmed in the sustainability FTSE4 Good Index
Eni confirmed in the sustainability FTSE4 Good IndexThis important result confirms Enis consistent commitment for sustainable development and ensure the responsible management of its business, promoting social and environmental development of the communities in which Eni operates.San Donato Milanese (Milan), 13 September 2013 - Eni has been confirmed in the FTSE4 Good Index, one of the world's most respected corporate social responsibility ...
Eni: first oil from the Kashagan field has been produced
Eni: first oil from the Kashagan field has been producedHistoric step for one of the largest oil fields discovered in the last 40 years and one of the most complex industrial projects worldwide.Eni announces today that first oil from the giant Kashagan oil field has been produced. The oilfield is located in the North Caspian Sea, approximately 80 kilometres southeast of Atyrau, in Kazakhstan. Eni holds a 16.81% stake in the consortium for the ...
Eni: fixed rate bond offering
Eni: fixed rate bond offeringThe bond is to be issued within the framework of the Euro Medium Term Note Programme and in accordance with the resolution adopted by Enis Board of Directors on 30 May 2013Eni has mandated Banca IMI, Crédit Agricole CIB, Deutsche Bank, Goldman Sachs International and ING as Joint Bookrunners for its upcoming fixed rate Euro benchmark size 12 year bond offering under its existing Euro Medium Term Notes Programme.The ...
Eni: new high impact exploration success in Mozambique
Eni: new high impact exploration success in MozambiquePreliminary estimates show that the Agulha structure could contain 5 to 7 Trillion cubic feet of gas in placeThe discovery opens a new exploration play in the southern part of Area 4 San Donato Milanese (Milan), 3 September 2013 - Eni has made a new high impact discovery at Agulha exploration prospect, in Area 4, offshore Mozambique.Preliminary estimates show that the Agulha structure could ...
Eni CEO Paolo Scaroni met with Iraqi Prime Minister Nuri Al-Maliki
Eni CEO Paolo Scaroni met with Iraqi Prime Minister Nuri Al-MalikiThe Prime Minister al-Maliki expressed his satisfaction with the activities carried out by Eni in the country.Baghdad, 2 September 2013 - Iraqi Prime Minister Nuri Al-Maliki and Enis CEO Paolo Scaroni met today in Baghdad to discuss Enis activities in the country.During the meeting, Mr Scaroni along with Claudio Descalzi, COO of Eni EP, updated the Prime Minister on the ...
Venezuela's Minister of Petroleum, Rafael Ramirez, meets Eni's CEO, Paolo Scaroni
Venezuela's Minister of Petroleum, Rafael Ramirez, meets Eni's CEO, Paolo ScaroniIn Venezuela Eni is also co-operator of Cardón IV, the operating company which manages the Perla super-giant gas field, which has reserves of gas in place estimated to be approximately 17 Trillion cubic feet (Tcf), or 3.1 billion barrels of oil equivalent.Caracas, 29 August 2013 - Rafael Ramirez, Venezuelas Minister of Petroleum, and Paolo Scaroni, CEO of Eni, met ...
Paolo Scaroni meets Armando Guebuza in Mozambique
Paolo Scaroni meets Armando Guebuza in MozambiqueDuring the meeting, Paolo Scaroni, along with Claudio Descalzi, COO of Eni EP, updated the President of the Republic on the progress of ongoing strategic projects.The President of the Republic of Mozambique, Armando Guebuza, and Enis CEO, Paolo Scaroni, met today in Changara, mineral district of Tete Province in western Mozambique, to discuss Enis ongoing activities and projects in the country. ...
Eni announces results for the second quarter and first half of 2013
Eni announces results for the second quarter and first half of 2013Eni, the international oil and gas company, today announces its group results for the second quarter and the first half of 2013 (unaudited).Financial Highlights1Adjusted operating profit: €1.95 billion for the quarter, down 51%2; €5.66 billion for the first half, down 43%2 including Saipem losses which have been recognized in the second quarter;Adjusted net profit: €0.58 ...
Eni: important oil gas discovery offshore Congo
Eni: important oil gas discovery offshore CongoThe discovery was made through the well Nene Marine 1, which has been drilled in 24 meters of water to a depth of 3,013 meters.Eni has made an important oil and gas discovery in the Nene Marine exploration prospect located in the Marine XII Block offshore Congo approximately 17 kilometers from the shoreline. The company estimates the volume of the discovery proved with the 2 wells so far drilled at ...
Eni signs amendment to the Zubair oil field Technical Service Contract in Iraq
Eni signs amendment to the Zubair oil field Technical Service Contract in IraqThe Amendment sets a new production target of 850,000 barrels of oil per day and extends the duration of the Technical Service Contract for an additional five years, until 2035San Donato Milanese, 15 July 2013 - Today in Baghdad Eni has signed with South Oil Company and the Iraqi Ministry of Oil an Amendment to the Technical Service Contract for the development of the ...
Eni launches 'Flexible access to European gas', a new offer for the Italian gas market
Eni launches "Flexible access to European gas", a new offer for the Italian gas marketThe new solution represents an important contribution to the development of market liquidity in the countrySan Donato Milanese (Milan), 11 July 2013 - Eni, within the Anigas annual meeting, announced the launch of a new offering for national and international gas market operators that will contribute significantly to the development of a more liquid, efficient ...
Eni has been acquitted in the investigation into the 'Measure gas' proceedings by the Court of the Third Instance
Eni has been acquitted in the investigation into the "Measure gas" proceedings by the Court of the Third InstanceThe Court confirms that an offence was not committedSan Donato Milanese, 5 July 2013 - Eni informs that the Court of the Third Instance definitively confirmed the judgment of "no case to answer", issued on 28 June 2012 by the GUP of Milan because the event did not constitute a crime, rejecting the appeal of the Prosecutor of ...
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